Monday, February 28, 2011

Time To Get Creative

Well hello hello
I miss not blogging everyday. But I am still without my vehicle so it's hard to go places and take pictures. Nothings new with us around here. The weather hasn't been spectacular.. it was windy and cold this morning. The sun has come out now, which motivated me to get my camera out. I don't know if it was the cold weather, or because I was so bored, but I found myself taking pictures of very random stuff. It's fun to snap pictures, even if it's a pineapple. hahaha.
Jordan gets a spring break coming up.. so many of you will be excited to know that we are most likely coming home for a week! I'm looking forward to it! Whether my dear sister knows it or not, I will be using her to photograph. I need to practice photographing people, and since she's my sister... she doesn't really have a choice :)
So, besides us coming to CR and, the awful weather here.. nothings new. But you know what is new!? The Bachelor on tonight. I'm looking forward to it, as I'm sure many of you are too. I guess that means I need to go pick up a bottle of wine. Any exuse to drink wine is a good exuse.
Jake is at my feet holding up a book, so I better go read that to him before he gets upset.
Anyways.. hope you guys enjoy the pictures I posted. They are very random, but I HAD to photograph something! Take Care and we'll talk to you soon.


I've never tooken a picture of my promise ring, so I thought it was time

Jake's ball

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time goes by too fast

Hello All!
Time for another blog. No professional pictures tonight. Just a picture of our handsome little boy. Today he got to sit in his carseat facing forward for the first time ever. I know it doesn't seem like much.. but it was a big deal to us. He is growing so fast. Every little thing he does amazes us. I found myself almost in tears taking his picture in his big boy seat. Time goes by too fast. People always say that...but when you have a know what they mean.
Let me tell you... he LOVES facing forward. So much for him to see! He oohed and aahed the whole drive. He has a permanent grin on his face. It was defiantely the highlight of my day. I am still stuck without a vehicle... so even cleaning the bathrooms starts to sound fun. Tomorrow I get the vehicle and I'm sure looking forward to it.
Jordan has made me a delicious dinner so I am going to go eat it now :) I am so spoiled :)
Goodnight everyone :)

A picture from behind our house tonight

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hot Dogs at Ginnys :)

It's been awhile since I've last blogged. I've been stuck stranded at the house without a vehicle for a week! So no inspirations for pictures around the house. Jordan's been taking the Jeep with him everyday.. So I've just been keeping myself busy hanging out with Jake, cleaning, and walking. It's been so beautiful and warm here! Except for the last few days... It's been clear blue skies..but cold! Brrr
Today Ginny invited us down to her house for hot dogs and a fire with Chris and his boys. She has a nice home right on the river. So beautiful. Chris and the boys have a beautiful dog named Mac.. I couldn't stop taking pictures of him. On our drive home we saw some rams.. so of course I took some pictures.
I really don't have much else to say really.. I could go on in detail about what I've been cleaning around the house.. but thats pretty boring. When Jakeys napping I've been on the internet looking up realestate. We move home soon and are thinking about buying a second property. So that`s been keeping me busy.
My mom and dad said they might come visit in March. Which would be so great. I hope they do.
Anyways... I hope I have the vehicle next week so I can actually get out of this house and have some things to blog about! Sorry I haven`t posted lately! Here are some pics of today! Take Care and hopefully I`ll have another blog soon!

The nicest dog you will ever meet :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Peace and Quiet

It's tuesday morning. The dogs are outside, Jakey is sleeping, so I'm just sitting here with my blanket and a cup of tea. Peace and quiet. I love it.
I see out the window that it is a beautiful sunny day. Not a could in the sky. I'll have to get out for a walk today for sure. I'm stranded at the house. Jordan has to take my vehicle to work for the next three weeks. And we sort of live in the ghetto... so I'm definately not walking too too far. haha.
It's really warming up here.. which is great! But the flooded back yard isn't so great. The dogs are sitting in a mud puddle. I think they will be staying outside all day.
I watched The Bachelor last night. How amazing was that? Michelle is gone! See ya later crazy girl.
I hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day! Jordan brought me home beautiful roses. What a sweetheart. We are going to go out for dinner one night this week. I'm really looking forward to it because we don't get to do that very often anymore.
We never made it to Wells Grey Park this weekend.. We got there.. and it wasnt plowed and there was snow up to my waist... so we just took the backroads home. We came across this beautiful horse! Jordan got out and showed Jake the horse. He loved it! We also came across an old abandoned church. So neat. I always wonder the history of these old buildings. I got a few pictures out of our drive.
Hope everyone has a great day! Happy Belated Valentines Day :)

Jacob and Dad petting the horse

Cool old church

Saturday, February 12, 2011

12 Hounds a Howling

I wasn't going to go. Jordan finally convinced me last night to go out cat hunting with our friends for the day. I'm glad I did. There was plenty of coffee and food, so I was happy. You basically drive around looking for a cat track, then when you find one that is fresh, you turn your dog(s) out on the track and they will follow it until they tree the cat. It's actually a really cool concept.
Unfortunately, we didn't come across any fresh tracks today. So my day consisted of driving around in the truck. But I still had a great time. Jakey was a little angel as usual. He was laughing, ooing and aahing at everything. We are very new to this cat hunting stuff, but we're starting to figure it out. We came across some other cat hunters, so we all got out and started talking. Well... we started yelling. Because as soon as the trucks stop, there is 12 coon hounds howling! And one yellow lab trying to bark and fit in. Everyone is talking among themselves like the noise doesn't even bother them! Maybe you just get used to it. But trust was LOUD!

So that was my day. Oh.. and the temperature up here is really warming up, so I came home to a mud pit from all the snow melting. Awesome.

I didn't take many pictures today on our little adventure. I hope to get lots tomorrow when I go to Wells Grey Park! So stay tuned!

Flash - Bart & Amanda's dog

A young golden eagle

Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh.... Costco :)

Finally! We have the internet again! It's been down for two days. Which doesn't really seem like a long time, but for us... thats a lifetime! But I guess it didn't really matter that much, because I've taken hardly any pictures lately! I hope to get some this weekend at Wells Grey Park.. We'll see!
Nothing too exciting has happened this week. The highlight of my week was probably my Costco run. I looove Costco. So many amazing things.. AND free food...whats better than that?  We had a lovely visit with my Auntie Glenda tonight. Jake had a great time getting into everything that he is not aloud to touch. Too many breakables and nice fancy stuff at that place! It was a good week but we're having a difficult time trying to figure out exactly where we want to live. Campbell River, or Kamloops. It's a really tough decision. Every day I change my mind!
Anywho....I'm rambling on about nothing! I'm posting a picture of the swans out at Ginnys house the other day when I visited. She has a beautiful place right on the the Thompson River.
I hope to get some shots this weekend to share! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend :)

- K

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nothing but giggles

Another beautiful day in Kamloops! Jakey and I woke up this morning and went to his little playgroup. We went grocery shopping (which I love to do for some odd reason), and then I decided to take on going for a walk. With THREE dogs. On compact snow. It went better than suspected. I definately got a few looks. People were probably thinking I was nuts for walking three dogs and pushing a stroller. But it was fun. I somehow managed to lose my cellphone on the walk. But luckily I drove back later and found it.
Jordan came home from school and we went out for a drive since it was so nice out. I took a few pictures. Nothing spectacular. But it was a fun drive. Now I'm just blogging, with a glass of wine by my side, and watching Jake and Jordan chase each other. There's nothing but giggles in this house right now. It's perfect.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Hello Everyone!
I got back from Vancouver today. I had a wonderful relaxing weekend. It was good to get away and relax. We got to walk around Granville Island, and went for dinners and drank. We even watched the superbowl. We all won a prize so that was cool.
Now back to reality! Well....reality tv. hehe I am watching The Bachelor right now. But I've decided to not have a glass of wine while watching the show. I had my fair share of wine this weekend. It's great to be back in sunny Kamloops with my boys :) I've missed them.
I didn't get many pictures while I was in Van. I was too busy having fun! But I did manage to take a few from our hotel room. I hope to get out this week and get some photos.
Talk to you all later!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Well its Friday! Another week gone by. Time is going so so fast. It was so beautiful here today. I went out for a walk and enjoyed the sunshine. I didn't take any pictures today though.
I'm off to Vancouver tomorrow to visit my mom in Vancouver. It should be a fun girls weekend. It's a much needed mini vacation.
I'm just sitting here watching Jakey play with his toys, while I drink my tea.... Ok what.. tea? On a friday? I assure you all that I will be finishing my tea, and then moving on to wine :)
I won't be blogging while I'm away, so I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

A picture I took yesterday but forgot to post

Ps.. While I was writing this blog, Jacob managed to sneak away and play in the toilet, and unroll a whole roll of toilet paper. Awesome.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Scenery, Scenery

It's been a few days since I've posted a blog and I sure got a few emails wondering where my blogs were! Thanks again to everyone for tuning in :)
I've been busy the last few days, so no time for pictures. It's getting to the point now where all my pictures are just scenery pictures! I really can't wait to come home and start photographing people!
Today Amanda, Jakey and I went for a drive. It was sort of a gloomy day but I managed to get a few pictures. For a 45 minute drive, we sure saw alot of wildlife. We saw rams, swans, ducks, and horses. Pretty neat.
Tonight i'll be watching American Idol, followed by Greys. And of course i'll have my vino beside me. I've been looking forward to it all day :)
I'll be scoping new areas around Kamloops for some picture ideas. I'll try to post blogs as much as possible. But I'm running out of things to photograph! Anyways, Enjoy and we'll talk to you soon :)


Ram on the side of the road

Mom Dad and babies

This horse was kind enough to pose for me